Strengthening societies and economies.

Clear and simple ideas that shaped its inception


Language and a common legal framework are solid and secure instruments for promoting cultural, social, and economic development without compromising the identities of peoples.


Common historical moments constitute a heritage oriented towards the future rather than shaping a model for celebrating the past

Developmental solidarity

Cooperation from developed societies and experienced institutions is crucial for sustainable development in developing countries. Financial support, knowledge transfer, and effective governance can empower these nations, reduce inequalities, and promote global prosperity.

Volunteer Program 

The Foundation in its mission to stimulate the interest and knowledge of communities of different origins and ages and in topics critical to society and its future. Given this responsibility, Volunteering is a relevant component in the action developed with the community, being an added value in collaboration, dissemination and appreciation for culture.


We count on everyone to form a solid team with a thirst for knowledge, collaborating in a continuous and dedicated manner, thus promoting the growth and knowledge of the Foundation and its principles. Volunteering, in its different areas of activity, aims to contribute and reinforce the quality of everyone's experience with the Foundation.


The Foundation promotes two types of volunteering:
- General Volunteer Program: runs throughout the year. (help positions)
- Occasional Volunteering: national or international projects/missions.


If you are interested in joining us as a volunteer, please click the button below and fill out the form, we will contact you later. If you have any questions, you can always contact us by email or phone.

"Ás Portas do Mundo" (2021 - Paredes)

This exhibition brought together a collection of artworks from diverse artists representing Portuguese-speaking countries. The showcase aimed to foster cultural and social intervention among the nations united by the Portuguese language.